This is a photo from high school. They don't look any different now.
Hannah, Kayla and Gillian!
Oh, Brother!
A Nice, Long Nap
Ramping Up for Chemo Treatment #2 on Thursday
Me ... But Better Than Me!
My Adored Niece, Princess Meghan!
Home and Feeling VERY GOOD!
Say "NO" to big, honking needles!
A Lot A Lot A Lot of Sleeping
White Blood Cell Counts Rising!
Would Someone Please Take This Hottie Out On The Town?!!
Morning of Tears and Laughter
Massive Fall Out
Paging Dr. House. Paging Dr. House.
Thursday Looking Sunnier Every Minute
So Sad ...
Another Day - Another Heprin Injection
Day 1 in a real Hosptal Room
Finally! Out of Emerg and into a Room!
Update from the Hospital
Hannah and Luke here
Not good ...
Temperature Rising
Rain. Beautiful Rain.
Day 12 - The Worst
Side Effects Du Jour
Some People Have Wondered ...
Elaine's Baby Robin Photo
Wieghty Issues
Another Day - Another Side Effect
How do you feel about going blond? I gave Milo a "comb" and I have enough hair for your wig!!! By the way he LOVES to be combed. Doesn't it look like he went through doggie-chemo?!
Milo for the Cause
Just remember a year from now this will be behind you and you will be sitting at your computer looking like Victoria Beckham with a very swanky hair cut!!! -- Susan Weber (from Shanghaii)I wish! Carol, you have a year to learn Victoria Beckham's cut!
Inspirational Quote #2
Dessert for One!
Organic Strawberries!
Chemo - A New Adventure Every Day!
The Pioneer Woman: Plowing through life in the country ... one calf nut at a time. My Name is Ree. I'm a desperate housewife. I live in the country. I channel Lucille Ball and Ethel Merman. Welcome to my Frontier.Learn more about her here. It's a good place to get started if you're into this kind of thing.
This is SOOOOO funny!!
Day 9 Winds Down
More cow bells!!
The Haircut! After
"Silence is not a natural environment for stories ... they need words. Without them they grow pale, sicken and die. And then they haunt you."
"The hours between eight in the evening and one or two in the morning have always been my magic hours. Against the blue candle-wick bedspread the white pages of my book open, illuminated by a circle of lamplight, were the gateway to another world."... and I'm only on page 33.
"Reading had never let me down before. It had always been the one sure thing."
Ist Chemo Book
At this point in my life, I seem to believe in God, Buddha, positive energy and the immense spirit power created between caring friends. -- Eileen
Inspirational Quote #1
The Rhubarb Fairy!
Kevin is on the Mend
PICC-Line Blues
Kevin's Home from Minneapolis ...
Time for Tylenol!
Time to Start Hannah's Quilt
All those women in the articles look great in their wigs and fancy, funky scarves and I always felt like an ugly dork! Cancer isn't for everyone I guess! (what the hell does that mean?) -- AnneI laugh every time I think of this ... "Cancer isn't for everyone I guess!". And I think of this often!
Funny Cancer Quote No. 1
A Sunny, Beautiful, Well-Rested Morning!
Gary Visited Today
Chapstick and Lawyers. Oddly Related?