Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Whole Lot of Info
Drugs, Drugs and More Drugs
Drugs, Drugs and More Drugs
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Luke is Running for the Cure in Louisville, Kentucky!

Luke is Running for the Cure in Louisville, Kentucky!
Who's Trippin' Down The Streets of the City ...?
1. Bloodwork - a.m.2. Meet with Oncologist - a.m.3. Meet with Radiologist - p.m.
Who's Trippin' Down The Streets of the City ...?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Evening Update
Monday Evening Update
Hannah as Muse

Note: The story behind this set of paintings is that Hannah was downtown in Vancouver and a guy asked if he could take some photos of her and use them for a painting. And that was that. It was quite a while ago, Hannah said.
Hannah as Muse
Happy Birthday, BonBon!
Yesterday, I just felt ... I don't know ... just not very good, though I can't even really put a finger on what didn't feel good. It wasn't sleepy tired but just ... weary all over. A total lack of energy, both physically and mentally. I felt that way Saturday, too. Very disappointing since I've been anticipating feeling good for these last days before my LAST CHEMO TREATMENT on Thursday.
I don't feel so energetic today, either. But maybe a little better. I just had a nice, long conversation with Hannah and that must be making me feel better. It's so nice that we both had the luxury of time during the day to talk. Mondays are a free day for her, not that she doesn't have lots to do regardless.
We were able to talk to Luke a couple of times on the weekend, too. He's participating in the Run for the Cure next weekend in Louisville along with almost all of his lacrosse team. On Friday they had the first of what might become an annual event where they play lacrosse against the women's Division I team from the University of Louisville. The catch is that they play with women's equipment and women's rules, which is a real change for the boys. The women's lacrosse sticks don't have pockets so the boys were forever losing the ball. In the end it was a tie-game, which was appropriate in a battle of the sexes. I guess it was a well-attended charity event, they had a lot of fun, met some new people, and raised money for a young girl with a brain tumour.
Hannah and I were discussing the differences between Bellarmine University, where Luke is, and UBC, where Hannah is. I must say that I'm particularly impressed with the way Bellarmine supports the whole student from the start of their freshman year and straight through. UBC, like all large Canadian Universities, basically expects students to make it or break it on their own. There's not really much support or guidance. Not much willingness to help students find success, where the opposite seems to be true at Bellarmine. I don't think all of the differences can be attributed to the vast difference in sizes of the two institutions. I think it's largely due to different philosophies.
And now, I really must do some things. I don't know what yet ... but something productive.
Happy Birthday, BonBon!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It Was A Boob-A-Fest!
This is Carol demonstrating where the boobs would naturally sit on her and where they would now naturally sit on me.
It Was A Boob-A-Fest!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
BOOB-A-Q! hahahahahaha ...
BOOB-A-Q! hahahahahaha ...
Friday, September 25, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
Busy Busy Busy
I'm Very Touched
I'm Very Touched
Cloistered but Feeling Fiiiiine!
Cloistered but Feeling Fiiiiine!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Living The Vampire Way
Living The Vampire Way
Nimble Fingers Now Numble Fingers
My face started peeling last night, too. It's not as bad as I had imagined either. I'd been horrified at the thought of skin hanging from my face leaving splotchy marks as it is peeled off. Not so. I put lotion on last night and as I rubbed it in, loose, dry bits of skin rolled off. No splotchy marks. More rubbed away this morning.
Those little side effects don't prevent me from feeling good today. I don't say "this morning" because I slept so late, it's closer to afternoon! I didn't have the best sleep during the night but I was able to sleep better after 7:00. That's okay. Nothing on my calendar that I had to be up for. It looks like another shockingly beautiful September day! Enjoy it, everyone!
Nimble Fingers Now Numble Fingers
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Backyard Harvest
Backyard Harvest
How You and This Blog Are Getting Me Through This

How You and This Blog Are Getting Me Through This
Looking Forward to a Good Day
1. My face is still itchy though not as red or as hot as it was before. My skin where it was the most red is papery and has little raised bumps almost like blisters, though they're not especially visible. I can feel them more than see them.2. I have a slightly sore throat and ear (left side). What's that about?3. The bottoms of my feet have been numbish for the past couple of days. It doesn't impede my ability to walk at all but it does feel odd. I noticed it first when I was bathing and scrubbing my feet. No pain, though.4. Remember that infected blister on my arm from when I was in the hospital? Well, last night I noticed my arm was aching in that spot and when I looked in the mirror, there's a little pink spot in the exact same place as before ... slightly smaller than a dime. This happened a couple of months ago, too. Isn't that weird? It's like that infection has never completely gone away and is just waiting there to emerge again when I have a weak moment. That really bothers me, especially considering that I've been on antibiotics for the past week. What in the heck is it and why isn't it gone?5. Occasional slight nausea.6. Some minor gastrointestinal upsets. Meh.7. Tender skin on my belly and legs. It feels like I'm bruised all over.8. Major fatigue and considerable weakness ... but those are givens.
Looking Forward to a Good Day
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Could the Sun Be Shining For Me, Too?
My bright spot yesterday was a mid-afternoon phone call from Hannah. Sweet!
Could the Sun Be Shining For Me, Too?
Monday, September 21, 2009
I Would Really Like to Call a Time Out
I Would Really Like to Call a Time Out
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I'm looking forward to the distraction of the Rider game this afternoon.
Thanks, everyone, for your care and strength through this particularly rocky time.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Twilight Zone Memories ...
I think lots of people must have similar experiences but they can be so unsettling, we don't often talk much about them. I don't know exactly where I stand on "psychic phenomena" ... I'm an open-minded skeptic ... but I do think it would be arrogant to believe that the boundaries of my own understanding define the limits of all possibilities.
It's been nice thinking so much about Dad and my family today. I tried to phone Mom to tell her I was thinking about her, too, but she was out. I hope you're out having fun, Mom.
Twilight Zone Memories ...
Inhale Deeply and Just Breathe ...
I always take some time on this date to remember my Dad. Luke reminded me of him yesterday. Like Dad, Luke always knows so much more than you think he knows and sometimes I'm startled when he reveals his understanding or knowledge of something. You might not think he's paying attention but he really is soaking up information and storing it away. My Dad was always a bit mysterious to me that way. A man of few words but when he spoke, it was almost always significant. I see that similarity in Luke. Thanks, Don and Syl, for the pretty bouquet and the thoughtful card and for remembering my Dad, too.
Inhale Deeply and Just Breathe ...
Friday, September 18, 2009
I Feel like I was hit by a cement truck today!
I cried all morning. Buckets. I had a bath to try to make myself feel better but just cried the whole time, nose running and tears dripping into my bath water. I can't lie back and have a good, soothing, soak because of having to keep my PICC-line arm out of the water. I was sure a miserable sight, I know. I just cried for everything ... kind of like that one day in the hospital. I cried for not recognizing myself in the mirror. I cried for hair. I cried for my swollen, red, itchy face. For the slow passing of these days. For all the personal little indignities that come with going through this process. I just cried and cried and cried. A total immersion in my own little pity-fest. I don't feel guilty. I'm pretty proud of myself for having so few days of crushing self-pity. I would bet that every person going through any similar ordeal would have, at least, some very miserable days no matter how optimistic and positive one otherwise feels. I deserved a pity party. I would worry if it extended beyond a day or two but I seriously doubt that will happen. I feel a little stronger emotionally tonight.
The Benedryl must have made me very sleepy. I slept solidly for a couple of hours this afternoon and woke up feeling less hot in the face and a little less miserable. Lynne chose an opportune time to stop by on her way home from work and she was a bit of a saviour for me, whether she knows it or not. I didn't even know it would be helpful to have someone stop by, otherwise I would have called someone. Honest. I would have. Not only did she distract me from myself with news of the world outside me but she picked my strawberries, which I'd forgotten. She washed and hulled them for me to snack on, and whipped up our dishes. Kevin was grateful for that, too. Thanks, Lynne.
Kevin prepared a nice pasta and salad meal for dinner. Thanks, Honey, even if the salad did taste a little yucky to me. I'm sure I would have liked if I'd have real tastebuds.
If I hadn't had to pee, I probably wouldn't have heaved myself off the sofa today at all. I just feel so whipped! As I said, it feels like being hit by a cement truck today.
My face is getting increasingly red, hot, swollen and itchy again and I've now taken a second dose of Benedryl. Let's hope it solves the problem or, at least, minimizes it. If nothing else, it will probably make me sleep tonight.
My Buddy, Luke, phoned and that made a big difference in cheering me up. I felt badly though, because I started to cry as soon as I heard his voice. I couldn't help myself. I hadn't talked to him for a while. But I soon got a grip and was able to reassure him that I was okay and that the medicine would be kicking in to save the day. He updated me on his life ... all is well. He's tired all the time from being so busy with classes, homework, workouts and practices. The boys are out to have some fun tonight, though. Good for them. Luke gave me a pep talk ... "almost there, Mom ... only one more to go". He's more knowledgeable than I would have guessed. He asked if I was drinking lots of water. I told him I was trying but that it tastes kind of yucky. He suggested I try lemon in it. I'll do that, Luke.
Now ... back to the sofa where there appears to be a permanent impression of me in the leather. When all this is done, I might just HATE the sight of this sofa and might need a new one to shake the heebie-jeebies. I might even need a whole new house. I hope we win that home lottery, Lynn!
Lyn (the Lyn with one "n" --- you know who you are) ... I'll look forward to your wedding stories and photos.
Speaking of heebie-jeebies ... Lori, I caught and released a spider today and thought of you. I "released" it straight into the toilet. I hope the itsy-bitsy spider story has some merit so I won't feel like a murderer.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
I Feel like I was hit by a cement truck today!
Taxotere is EVIL!!
I'm sorry to say that this feels like a "curl up in a fetal position and cry" kind of day. Don't be alarmed and I wish there was something someone could do, but I know it's just one of the days I'm just going to have to work through on my own. I don't feel like any attempt at cheering would be helpful. It just helps to know that you're all there and that your hearts are with me. That buoys me as much as anything.
So, please just let me sink into this shitty day and I'll expect to be feeling stronger later or tomorrow, at least. You know, it's hard to choose to be honest here but, for me, I think it's important.
PS: I just got a call from the Champion Centre and they're prescribing an antibiotic for me and suggesting benedryl with the stipulation that if the fever goes up to 38 degrees and if the red, itchy face persists, to go to Emergency and get it assessed. Hopefully this will help.
Taxotere is EVIL!!
Alyssa, Carol's daughter, is planning a BOOB-A-Q as a fundraiser for the CIBC Walk for the Cure! Isn't that hilarious?! And sweet?!! It makes me laugh every time I think of it.
Thanks, Alyssa! You ARE your mother's daughter!!
Hot Tamale!
Despite feeling crappy, we had a nice visit from Dave, Laurel, and Ellie, who were out for a walk. A very nice distraction from myself! Ellie is funny. She has a compulsion to pick up and carry her water dishes ... even at our house! Laurel has tried heavier and heavier water dishes and has tried bigger ones with lots of water. Still, Ellie manages to drag them around and spill water everywhere. Dogs. Funny critters. I want one.
We had a great conversation with Hannah tonight. It was soooo nice to talk with her and catch up with all that's going on in her life. She's good medicine. Mom called, too. Her company left today. I'm sure she'll need a little stillness around her for a while. Some time to regroup. I also talked with Lori, at last. And I heard from Carol, Carol, and Lynelle, too.
Food update: Hot dogs - not so tasty. KD - pretty good. I'm horrified!!
Movie of the Night - the highly anticipated (by me) Wolverine movie. My impression is that I like the previous X-Men movies better. Much better. Still ... Wolverine! What's not to like?!
Hot Tamale!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I Almost Forgot that I'm a Princess!
I Almost Forgot that I'm a Princess!
Happy Surprises
Happy Surprises
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday Night ... All Is Calm. All Is Bright. No Vampires.
It strikes me as odd that it's mostly in the evenings when the stabbing pains in my joints start while it isn't very bothersome during the day. My eyes also started bothering again this evening, too. Kevin put some drops in for me. And I have a headache, which seems par for the course.
Kevin redid the dressing on my arm. We can't figure out why it's bothering me but I'll ask about it tomorrow when I visit the Champion Centre.
Speaking of night, there sure are a lot of vampire movies and shows around, aren't there? I can't handle all the bloody visuals. Ick. I don't find vampires at all "romantic".
Tuesday Night ... All Is Calm. All Is Bright. No Vampires.
Spidie Senses
Spidie Senses
Moon Face and the Splurgers
Moon Face and the Splurgers
Last Thursday Night's Flower Photo
Last Thursday Night's Flower Photo
I'm baaaaaaa aaaaack!
I'm baaaaaaa aaaaack!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Finally! I Borrowed A Computer!!
Anyway ... the days since the chemo treatment have been okay. In fact, on Friday night I felt well enough to make a surprise appearance at my Splurge Club Meeting at Alana's place! We had such a hoot and it was wonderful to see my pals! Lots of laughs and shenanigans and, on top of all that, I won! Alana sent me home with frozen soups (thanks, Alana) to carry me through some of my tender mouth days to come. Yesterday Kevin and I went to Pier I and spent my splurge money. We bought something I've been wanting for a long time ... a kitchen butcher block island thingie. I love it and it will remind me of my splurge buddies every day, as does the bench in our family room and the little table in our entry way. **smile**
Yesterday I suffered lack of sleep mostly and I could feel the downward slide starting. I took a sleeping pill last night and really slept long and hard, which I must have needed. Today, the skin tenders have started ... mostly my face, the back of my head and across my chest and my mouth is getting a bit sore. This time, though, I have a prescription for Magic Mouthwash (really ... that's what they call it) and I took a dose of it today. It really numbs the mouth and it does make it feel better. I can take that up to 4 times a day. I don't know if it actually prevents mouth sores or just soothes them. Soothing is good, though.
It was so nice to have Cindy and Bobbi stop by for a visit yesterday while they were in town! I hadn't seen either of them for quite a while. They're looking great! Cindy brought freshly canned BC peaches. She did them herself. She phoned home from the rodeo they were attending in BC to tell her Dad that she "got her peaches" and he kept saying, "You got your teeth fixed?" Hilarious!
Carol popped in, too, and regaled me with tales of her new working life at Persephone! She's one busy woman there! It all sounds very exciting.
Don and Syl came by last night mid-festivities so that Sylvia could give me my Neupogen injection. Four more of those left this session. Oh joy! She also changed my dressing on my PICC-line. We've switched to a dry dressing to prevent peeling my skin off and to avoid any further allergic reactions to sticky bandages. We have to change it every 2nd day, though, instead of weekly. No problemo.
Happy 50th Anniversary, Pat and George!
Well, know that all is going as might be expected so far. Hopefully our network connection will be fixed today or tomorrow and I'll be able to post some of the photos I've been collecting.
Thanks to all of you for being there for me in myriad ways! Much appreciated. Being able to connect via computer is already making me feel less down. Really, being without it has been sad for me and a real downer.
And, by the way, Lori, I went to phone you back and then realized I only have your phone number in my gmail and, of course, I couldnt' get it. Please phone me again, okay?
Finally! I Borrowed A Computer!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I Can Say It Now ... Only 1 CHEMO LEFT!!!
You might notice that my face is pretty rosy. No make-up. No tan. I avoid sun while on chemo and, if I have to be out in it for a while without an umbrella, I have on 60 spf suncreen. No, the tanned or sun burned look is thanks to dexamethasone ... my steroid friend/enemy. This morning my one cheek was really red in particular. It was like that last time. I wonder why only one cheek usually gets red at a time. Chemo ... who really understand it?! That is the adventure of chemo.
Thanks, Sylvia, for being my attentive nurse and Mom in Kevin's absence. All went well. Sylvia was on top of everything, of course. Once a nurse, always a nurse. I'm glad to have her on my team.
And now I'm home and Mom just arrived. I've had lunch and now I might have a snooze if I can. The Benedryl makes me very sleepy. It's what they give me to help prevent any potential allergic reaction to the Taxotere (chemo drug). We'll see if it will override my "upper" dexamethasone.
Thanks, everyone, for cheering me on through this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
And now ... to lounge.
PS: You might also be interested to know that I now have some peach fuzz growing on my scalp ... very soft but there. I might lose it again this week, but it's nice to know it can reappear. No photos, though. I haven't got to the point where I can look at photos of myself bald and if they make me wince, I'm obviously not at a point where I'll put them out there for the world to see. Still, I told Kevin I should make sure I have one or two just as keepsakes. Maybe I'll be so brave one day. Or ... so lacking in vanity. One or both of those.
I Can Say It Now ... Only 1 CHEMO LEFT!!!