
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Update From Luke

Mom had her first chemo appointment today and it went as well as chemo can go. We were at the cancer center from 1:30-4:00 hanging out in one of the treatment rooms. The process went quite smooth and the nurses did a a great job at being there when necessary. When we first got there they talked to us about the drugs and the effect they will have on her. After that it was plain and simple. When the machine beeped they would come in the room switch the bags and let new drugs flow in. Mom was feeling quite well after the treatment and was just a little tired from a long day. She has now posted up on the couch and has all her goodies spinning around on the lazy susan. Lately, she has felt a little nauseous, but is still doing pretty good. Although the drugs involved with chemo can be pretty tough I think it is reassuring that the adventure has begun, one down, five to go.



  1. Thank you for the update Luke ! I know your ma appreciates all your help and strength ! We're all happy to have the treatments finally underway ! Take Care.
    Martha (aka Carol)

  2. Yes, Carol, it was wonderful to have Luke with me on scary day 1 of chemo. Mom, Kevin and Luke were all there. Luke's willingness, sporting spirit, positive attitude, sensibility and the way he can makes me laugh like no one else can made is very special to have him there.


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