
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ahhhh ... home and feeling better, too!

Bloodwork done. PICC-line redressed. Doctors seen. Home again. Ahhhhh ...

I don't have my bloodwork results yet. I should get them by phone later today or tomorrow. They're crazy busy there at the Champion Centre (which is very sad in itself). There's hardly even enough seating in all the waiting rooms for the crowds of patients! I hope their goal is to make Champion Centres obsolete ... maybe museums that would shock and amaze future generations. Cancer? What's "cancer"?

I'm very tired and am going to have a bit of a lie down right away but I thought I would post a team update first. I may be tired but I'm now fed AND, more importantly, I'm not feeling that horrible all-over pain that I was feeling last night. What a true relief!! It's still there in places but it's much milder. MUCH milder. I hope that was the worst of it. Just in case, though, I think I'd better get as much rest as possible so I'll have the mental and physical fortitude to deal with another night like last night if I have to.

My nasturtiums are blooming. See? I love nasturtiums ... both flowers and leaves. What I also love about this photo is that it includes "the watcher" from what was our beautiful weeping birch. Can you see the face in the bit of trunk supporting the nasturtiums? That face was at about the 5 foot mark on the tree in the middle of our back yard and we always considered it "our protector". It watched over us. So when we sadly had to cut our tree down we kept this chunk of the trunk so that it could still watch over our yard. I'm very fond of it.

Above are what I call our "downward dog lilies". I don't know what their real name is. It's a grand plant!

Thanks for all of your emails, cards, flowers, prayers and thoughts, everyone. You make this challenge less daunting and your support and care mean the world to me.

Nap time.
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