
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Beautiful Day!

It's beautiful outside today! I can't wait to get out and enjoy it. Bonus for me is that after feeling ungreat yesterday, I feel pretty darn good this morning. I took tylenol a few times yesterday to ease me through a terrible, throbbing lower back pain (probably from the shingles ... I never get back pain). But I woke up this morning with the tylenol surely worn off and I feel fine!
I'm going to made Luke an egg McActon. I can hear him stirring. He has to coach the stingers in a lacrosse tournament this weekend and I think the game is at 11:00. I'm going to eat mine on the deck. It's calling my name.


  1. Egg McActons sound delish.

    Thinking of you,


  2. Next time you visit, they're yours, Tana! Thanks for cheering me on.

    Hugs ... Heather


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