
Friday, July 24, 2009

Lilies Busting Out All Over the Place

So many of our lilies have started blooming in the past couple of days. Love them.

Yesterday was great! Cheryl and I had a lovely lunch at John's. She's on "surgical vacation" and I'm on "cancer vacation" (as Carol dubbed it), so we were able to linger.

Thanks, Syl, for dinner with ALL the fixin's. Luke and I both really enjoyed it and are happy to be your recipe testers any day!

This morning, as expected, I feel AWESOME! Good thing, too, because my Mom is coming in with my sister-in-law, Jodi, and my neice, Meghan, and nephew, Dawson. Meghan and I usually have a summer "date in the city" and I'm happy that we're able to do that this year, especially because last year didn't work out. We're going shopping!

Now, must tidy house and water pots.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  1. Hey Heather! Great to hear you're feeling pretty good this round! Have a great weekend & pls say a big HI! to your mom & Jodi & the kids from Ron & Devy. Take Care and as always..Don't Overdue!

  2. Heather, I just can't keep up with your blog! I love all the flowers and the doggie post. I am missing my own back garden terribly, being stuck in darkest Ottawa enjoying the most vile weather you can imagine. We haven't had a clear day since we arrived last Saturday. Today it is heavy, grey, and raining relentlessly. Everything is very green, but somehow that doesn't make up for it. You can't even go for a walk as the wind blows the rain all over you under your umbrella, oh yes, and blows the umbrella inside out. I really love that part. It just makes you want to swear!

    I am feeling a bit out of the loop myself, working on my own in Ottawa, with Jim in court all day, though I am getting a big project done that has been lurking on my desk for months. We really miss you working on the exhibit with us. Us four "girls," in the absence of Roger and Lou, are having a good time with it. In fact there was almost a hug in the boardroom last week! Teresa is doing such a fabulous job on the production work you can't imagine. Things are just coming alive and you can get a real sense of what a great exhibit this is going to be.

    Sadly, I have fallen into the freelancers' habit of "editing in my underwear," which alludes to the fact that if you work at home you don't need to bother getting dressed or washing your face until at least midafternoon. In my case it's my jammies. I do feel a bit of a slob, but I'm comfortable. How standards have fallen.

    I'm glad you are doggie hunting. It's just what you need. And I loved your description of going through the carwash with Kevin. It must be nice to have a mate who is so easily pleased!

    Glad you're having a good day. Long may they continue!


  3. Hi Dev! I said Hi to everyone for you and I was also thinking of you last night and today with your "don't overdo" comment. Good advice. Not that I think I overdid thing but I did get a little reminder that I would be better to stay in my bubble even if I am feeling "normal".

  4. Hi Nora! Sorry to hear the weather has been so miserable in Ottawa while it's been so nice here! You'll be glad to get home.

    I laughed at your "freelancer's habit". That's kind of how my days go, too, sometimes. I'm sure my neighbours are, by now, familiar with all my various nightwear since not getting dressed doesn't prevent me from enjoying my back yard. I have great neighbours. I'm sure we could all easily blackmail each other if we wished.

    I was able to pop into the office last Wednesday and saw the full-sized, colour examples of Teresa's work and I was also very impressed! Norma has sent me some black and white pdfs to give me an idea of what they're looking like but seeing the real things is so much better! Good work! I like that you and Norma chose a slightly "ribbon-like banner" at the top instead of the straight rectangle. It really does help to see all the work you've all done coming together so nicely.

    Here's wishing you home soon, Nora! YOu must be missing your haven, you home girl. Enjoy working in your undies while you can.


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