
Sunday, July 5, 2009


Another road trip opportunity has just surfaced!! Don and Syl are driving to Regina today to see Luke's lacrosse game and they asked if I'd like to go!! DO I WANT TO GO??!! Hell ya!! How exciting!!

Originally, we'd anticipated that I wouldn't be able to go because I'd have just had chemo, but since there was no chemo, I'm good to go!

Luke is playing in the provincial BOX lacrosse tournament this weekend in Regina. This photo is from last year's field lacrosse nationals. It's a good one of Luke and Syl, I think.


  1. Way to go Heather, so glad you were able to get out.
    Haven't heard the finals but I'm sure the Steelers came out on top!!?? (And sad to report a very disappointing year at this end!)
    And glad you made it out to the farm. . . Always something very theraputic about spending time there.

  2. Hi Laurel! Yes, it was a pretty busy and exciting weekend for me! It was so nice to get out of the city in the summer. It almost made me feel "normal" for a while.

    Yes, the Steelers won the tournie. Sorry the Smash didn't have a better year. Now it's time to focus on Field.

  3. Awesome,
    Was pretty sure this crew would come out on top. Pass my congrats on.
    We were anxious to get home after our game, otherwise would have loved to watch them. Must say, in the game I caught up here between the Smash and Steelers, it was a pleasure to watch Luke. Besides his talent, a good example to team-effort and spirit.

  4. Thanks, Laurel. That's so kind of you to say so. It's wonderful to see our kids doing well at the things they're passionate about, isn't it? I'll pass your message on to Luke.


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