
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you would like to donate, here's how ...

"I'm bumping this to the top again ... just in cases".

Because there are two teams set up in my name (I'm so touched! Really, friends, I am!!) for the October CIBC Run For The Cure on October 4, I have registered for both teams and would be grateful if anyone out there would like to sponsor me. Both teams are going to meet up at the beginning and walk or run as one group.

I understand if you've sponsored someone already, are running or walking yourself (yeah!) or if your charity dollars are already maxed. But if you want to sponsor me, below are links to my donation pages. Every little bit counts!
  1. Team Heather's Support Hose (captained by Gail) ... my donation page link
  2. Team Heather (captained by Carol) ... my donation page link
The event takes place 4 days after my last chemo treatment so I doubt I'll be in any shape to participate. Still, even if I feel a little bit able, I'll be there to take a few steps or at least to hug everyone (which also means mega-hugs for me!). Thanks, pals, for thinking to do this. One thing it does for me that might not readily come to mind is that it gives me a goal ... something soon ... to focus on, especially with the timing of it being right after my LAST chemo treatment. It helps me mentally, which also helps me emotionally. It's such a positive goal and incentive.

Of course, you can always register to run or walk along with us! Here's the link.

I look forward to a day when we don't have to do fund-raising for breast cancer research (or any other disease research, for that matter) and can focus on raising funds for more positive things of which there are so many that could benefit from these dollars. Some day ... maybe ...


  1. hi, Heather.
    Do we sign up for both teams or just one? Do I also understand that we can collect pledges from people who wish to support but are not walking?
    I have the information from Carol but have not had time to read it properly. I will do that and likely get answers to my questions.
    See you tonite and don,t hesitate to move the time if just before 10 is too late.
    Anonymous as in Cratchet.

  2. Hi Syl,

    Just sign up for one team. I registered twice for obvious reasons. Nobody else need do so.

    Anybody can give a donation. They don't have to be a registered walker/runner. My donation will be my registration fee times 2. Even though the timing means I probably won't be able to participate, I still wanted to register just in case I can make it even for a while. If I can't make it, well ... there's my $80 donation.

    If you need any help maneuvering through the CIBC Run for the Cure website, let me know. I can help you hands on (not over the phone).

    See you later. Thanks for the juice and soda.

  3. Thanks, Auntie Eileen, for your donation!! Much appreciated!

  4. Thanks, Donna and "Anon" for your sponsorship, too! Know that I appreciate it!

  5. Thanks so much for sponsoring me, Michelle!


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