
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sweet Peas! Heaven!

I wish I could say these were from my garden! They are SO pretty and the smell is out of this world! Chris brought them for me. They're from her Mom's garden. Thanks so much, Chris, and please tell your Mom how much I'm enjoying them. Thanks, too, for the magazines and your caring words.

Last night I faded fast. I was exhausted. Sharon, bless her heart, came by and gave my injection. Other visitors were Marissa and Kayla, Hannah's friends. I LOVE when the kids' friends come by. I know I've said that but it bears repeating. Sweet peas are also Kayla's favourite flower, by the way. Hydrangeas and poppies are Hannah's.

I think I should have taken the sleeping pill last night (I was thinking of you, Pat, during the night and kicking myself). By the time I really thought I should, it was already a little late to take it, I think. I fell asleep quickly but then struggled a lot of the night with a case of the hokie-pokies, nausea, transient aches and pains and then a lower back pain that had me reaching for the tylenol at 5:30 a.m.. I had that same lower back pain last cycle after my last neupogen injection, so I wonder if that isn't the source. Neupogen injections can cause bone pains.

Anyway, it was an disappointingly unsettling night ... grumble ... grumble ... grumble. I suspect a morning nap with be in order. Otherwise, this morning, I don't feel too bad. I had some toast with ... eeek ... Cheez Whiz! I know ... plastic cheese ... but I seem to need strong flavours to avoid the chalky taste. More about my assocations with Cheez Whiz another day. I can't believe it's only Wednesday. Days go so slowly for me. That's not normal.

Kevin comes home tonight. I'm glad.


  1. Hope the ickies are quickly (or at least slowly)fading away.
    Love the sweet peas too. Mine just can't seem to bloom much, but smell so good anyway.
    Stopped by today to show you our new puppy. Yes, we gave in. After a 2 hour trip (both ways) to Kindersley area, we have a she - Ellie - an australian shepherd (we kept the name that the owners had used). She is a red merle - so pretty. So now we have an Eddie and Ellie Kelly!

  2. Hi Laurel! I'm so sorry we missed seeing your new pup! Better, though, to meet her when Kevin's here ... he needs a little nudge right now and he absolutely can't resist puppies!

    My neighbour, Nicole, stopped by today to tell me about your puppy and how deadly cute it is! They were hoping it was OUR new puppy! Does Ellie have any brothers or sisters? If so, we should have had you pick up, too.

    Anyway ... can't wait to meet Ellie! Very soon.

  3. Hey, now what's that about Cheez Whiz?? Of course it would end up being a comfort food, like what else? I've known that for 45 years. I'm sure I wasn't introduced to the awesome spread prior to age 5, do you think?? I'm glad that you are starting to feel a bit better. I'm still trying to find some spare time to make that trip to Saskatoon!! Take care, I'm always thinking about you!
    Love Cindy

  4. Hi Cindy! I've been so thinking about you. You naturally come to mind every time I have Cheez Whiz, of course. You gotta know, though, I'm alternating it with peanut butter. They're both going down good.

    It would be great to see you soon. I've been thinking a lot about you and your fam and the times we had when we were crazy teenagers! Some funny times. You just wait ... I have a blog post planned. I just need to get the right photo. Don't worry ... nothing incriminating.

    Love, Heather


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