
Monday, August 17, 2009

Last Day Here for My Boy

My Luke leaves at some unearthly hour tomorrow morning. Back to Louisville. He's excited about going and I'm excited for him, but ... wahhhhh. My kids should be getting used to me blubbering every time they leave. It's just the way it is, which isn't to say they shouldn't go. Of course not. I just blubber. That's all.

Luke and I have some errands to run today.

Yesterday we had a very nice lunch at Don and Syl's. Sylvia prepared such a lovely meal. Everything was delicious and looked so pretty. We celebrated Cheryl and RJ's 20th wedding anniversary, Luke's going away, and (belatedly) Sylvia's birthday and Don and Syl's 49th wedding anniversary. A get-together with the Acton's is always a multi-celebration.

Later at home we tuned in the Rider game. Rex and Erin came by and watched it with us. I meant to take a photo of Bobblehead but forgot. Maybe Erin will send me one of Bobblehead's vacation photos. Traditionally, Bobblehead always gets his head bobbled when the Riders get points. When they have very bad games, Bobblehead has to stand in a corner facing the wall. If the Riders have a bad season, Bobblehead wears a paperbag over his head.

I surveyed my garden this morning and it's not very pretty. All the rain took a toll on my flowers. Here's hoping they bounce back. The poppies still look pretty. Here are a couple.

Carol stopped by this morning and brought me a bag of magazines and some of her "recovery wonton soup". Thanks, Carol! These will be great for my post-chemo days this week. My cousin, Lori, phoned. Her garage remains unpainted.

Very sad news yesterday is that Darrel and Lynn's dog, Porter, died. How sad. Porter was only 3 or 4 years old and the vets couldn't figure out why he was losing weight and, obviously, not feeling well. They wonder if it wasn't some soil-borne illness and they're going to run some tests still to see if they can figure out what it was because, of course, now Darrel will worry about it being something Otto could catch as well. We're so saddened about Porter who was a really lovely dog.

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