I'm on the down low this weekend. Some things are slowly improving. My mouth is a little less scummy inside. I think I made my own saliva yesterday. Food is still tasting off but now that my tongue is a healthier looking pink colour, maybe that will soon come back.
Yesterday I spent most of the day just feeling exhausted and very weak. I was chilled, too. I had a bath and then crawled into bed at 3:00 pm and even then I had trouble getting warmed up. I did sleep off and on until 5:00, though, and expected to feel perkier when I woke up. But no. I still felt tired and weak. I wonder if my red blood cell counts aren't low or if it's an electrolyte/potassium thing? Or maybe it's just the way chemo works. Big shrug from me, but if there was something I knew I could do to improve the way I feel, I'd do it. When they did bloodworks on Tuesday, I think they just checked liver enzymes and not the rest.
My tender tissues were more tender yesterday, too. I was kind of achie all over. Combine that with fatigue and weakness and it was a bit of a "downer day" for me. You get tired of feeling tired. It's frustrating. And sleep doesn't always make a difference. More frustrating. We'll see how today and tomorrow go and if I'm still feeling like a lifeless blob, I'll put in an "is this normal?" call to the Champion Centre on Monday.
I had a big old bloody nose this morning while reading the paper. It went on longer than a bloody nose normally would with me. I wish I had the stuff to test it and see if my red blood cell counts are low.
Thanks, Syl, for the many variations of tinned fruit. Maybe they'll have more flavour-flavour for me than their fresh counterparts.
A shout out to Kelly, who recently endured back surgery. Can't be fun. We're thinking about you, Kelly!
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