
Friday, August 28, 2009

Sunshine! It's Almost Like Summer!

Good morning out there! So nice to wake up to sunshine!

Kevin has already left to go golfing with buddies. A good thing to do while Gerry is still in town.

I slept okay and feel okay this morning.

Last night, after my "rest" (I can't say "nap" because as much as I wanted and needed to sleep, I couldn't, so I just lay there semi-comatose), Nurse Cratchet swung by and was back in action with her neupogen injections. Tomorrow will be the last of those for this cycle. Yeah!

Then Ron and Patty popped by. Patty's trying me on old family recipe soup, which sounds intriguing and I hope it makes my tastebuds dance! And thanks, you two, for LEONARD! You KNOW I love Leonard and that he soothes my soul. He'll be perfect to plug in on a crummy day to get me through. He's poetry and I love him! His voice alone makes everything seem better.

I expect a quiet day today. I hope this turns out to be a beautiful weekend for all of you who are trying to get in just a little more lake time!

Oh, and I thought this was such a good photo of Lynne, that I had to include it. She looks like another flower in my garden! Lynne has been super supporter for me and I appreciate her so much!

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