
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Turned out to be another Cocooning Day

I woke up feeling good but soon developed an upset stomach that plagued me for the day and I'm still pretty shaky this evening. No supper for me until I think it's safe to eat. Kevin's stomach was also off today, so maybe it's the same thing. I'm disappointed that I couldn't be more productive today.

I was thinking of Matty and Myles today. They should be in Louisville, Kentucky by now getting settled into a dorm room! Luke and Arden leave next Tuesday. ** big lip **


  1. Hey Heather,
    Just a short note to let you know Matty got over the boarder okay, can you believe they would let him into the states? ha ha Myles and him shot lacrosse balls under the lights last night. I think Matty is thinking Bellarmine is pretty sweet. Thanks for the helpful advice during our preparation for Matty's departure to Bellarmine! Take care and talk to you soon!

  2. Hi Patty! I heard from Luke that the boys arrived okay and that some nice girls picked them up at the airport. I'll bet they're finding it pretty sweet! It is a beautiful campus and the lacrosse field is unlike anything they've played on here. I sure hope they're enjoying themselves.


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