
Thursday, August 20, 2009

What a Nice Surprise!

My big bro, Jim, stopped by this afternoon. He still has a bit of time before having to be full time back at SIAST. It was great to see him and to hear about his recent travels.

This is a photo from Easter dinner at our house ... Jim and his eldest son, Graham.

You might be more familiar with his professional photo. I snagged this one from the online Car and Driver. You'll recognize him if you are an avid reader of the car reviews on the front of the Drive section of Friday's Star Phoenix. I have you know that I never get a ride in any of those hot cars he gets to test drive! RATS!! He is a busy man. *sigh*

It was great of him to stop by. Thanks, Jim! Sorry, Lynne, to hear that your MS ride in Regina got rained out last weekend. I hear you rode a bit anyway. You are a trooper!

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