
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Alexa!

Alexa will be a teenager in two days. Her family party was tonight. She's so grown up. It's always nice to have a family gathering and especially for such a significant occasion! Don took this picture of her tonight. My ankles are bigger than this girl's thighs! She's so slender and lithe. A dancer.

It was a busy day today what with some work to do, appointments, errands, nap, a party, packing and all that comes with that!

I am SOOOOO excited! ROAD TRIP!! We leave tomorrow for Winnipeg for the National Field Lacrosse Tournament and will meet Luke and the other boys from Kentucky there tomorrow night! I'm so looking forward to seeing Luke, watching lacrosse, and hanging out with the other parents. Don and Syl will be there, too, of course. They are avid supporters and a regular part of the parent group. And it's a ROAD TRIP!!! Some of you might groan at the thought of a long drive but I love it! And it will be such a treat to have a change of scene for a few days. Thanks, house and garden sitter for covering things here while we're away.

Today I felt the best I've felt since this last chemo treatment kicked in. Good timing. I had bloodwork done this morning. I don't know the results but I'm not concerned. They'll phone if something is unusual. I also had my PICC-line flushed and redressed ... a weekly event. This time, though, the bandage was stuck so good, it peeled off some skin when they removed the bandaging. There was blood ... and not because the nurse was rough. The nurses there are top notch and couldn't be more gentle. It's not a big deal really except that now I'm a little nervous about the bandage and have already peeled back the edges of this one just to prevent that from happening again. It was already very stuck. I'm glad I took preventative action already.

Next Wednesday is my 5th chemo treatment and then there's only one left! The end is in sight. I hope I'm still saying that later next week.

ROAD TRIP!! Time to sleep ... if I can ... I might be too excited!!!


  1. Enjoy . . . Luke, the road trip & the lacrosse. Have a fantastic weekend! Glad to hear the taste buds are almost back to normal. Travel safe!


  2. Great to hear you're feeling so much better and that your tastebuds are resurfacing, Heather! Take advantage and have a Super road trip and a Fantastic long weekend!


  3. Hey Girl....glad to hear you are blowing this popsicle stand!!! Enjoy the lacrosse and the scenery out the window on the road trip....take care and hope to see you soon!!
    Slpurge pal Gail W

  4. Thanks, pals! I had a great time! As for the scenery, I did sleep a lot of the way there but saw a little more on the way back. It was beautiful! Just being out on the road was fun.

    We're home again, though, and I put on my big girl panties this morning. ICK!


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