
Thursday, October 22, 2009

The C95 Radio Marathon

Today I participated in the C95 Radio Marathon. See? That's me, MoonFace Buffalo Hump, with the C95 Crew including Lisa Rendall on the far left. I hesitated when initially asked to participate but after a second phone call on a day when I was feeling very good, I agreed. I wasn't feeling so up for it today but I waddled out of the house on my elephant legs and got myself there anyway. The money they raise stays right here in Saskatchewan, supporting research. It's an important event.

The C95 Radio Marathon: Thurs Oct 22 & Fri Oct 23 - FROM 6AM THURSDAY TO 6PM FRIDAY. CALL WITH YOUR DONATION AT 306-374-GIVE.

I was pretty nervous about being interviewed because I started crying in the car on the way there listening to the sad stories of other people's experiences and wondering where they find the strength, especially those who are much younger than me and whose cancers are more advanced. And then I started crying as soon as Miriam, the social worker who had called me in the first place, asked me how I was doing. When I cry, I can hardly talk. And there I was, constantly dabbing tears right there in the middle of the mall. EEK!!

Then Ramblin' Dave (YES! RAMBLIN' DAVE!!!) chatted with me for a bit so that we were both on the same page for the interview. What a nice, intelligent man he is. Then, before the interview, I met Rob and Shauna, too!! (OH, YES I DID!). I had a chance to watch them all in action for a while and I marvel at how they just free-style chatter on the radio like that. It is a special talent.

During the interview, I lost my grip a little bit when Dave asked me what it was like having to phone my kids and tell them I have breast cancer. Those were tough moments to talk about. I'm way wimpy about our kids.

The thing I wanted most to stress during the interview was the importance of getting ALL lumps tested. Even if they turn out to be just cysts or benign thingies, getting a solid confirmation of that is better than blithely carrying on, as I did, for almost two years with what I was told was nothing more than an annoying cyst. I also wanted to stress the importance of family and friends in my getting through this without ending up little more than a blob of quivering jello in my bubble. And this blog. For me it's turned out to be therapeutic. I hadn't expected that, though I look forward to the day when I have other things to do with my days.

After the interview I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking for a while with Lisa Rendall. She has her own website here. What an inspiration she is. Ten years after her diagnosis she's looking great and she's still undergoing treatment. You can just feel the positive energy emanating from her.

On the way home, I stopped to see Alanna. She had dropped off one of her favourite cookbooks for me last week and so I dropped off one of my favourites for her. She is such a busy person and the level of stress in their home ... well, I can't even imagine. Everyone please say a prayer for Alanna's husband, Ron, who is working through treatment for a very nasty cancer diagnosis.


  1. Way to go Heather. That takes more than courage. You are also a cheery inspiration to us! Thanks for that.

  2. Thanks, Laurel. I'm glad you find me cheery! I am most of the time but, I must confess, even though I should be elated about being done with chemo, I am feeling a little dragged down by the whole ordeal and with not yet being over the side effects. Summer and fall, for me, are lasting frickin' forever already!! I'm now so impatient to be done with all of this and to get back to something that will be some new version of normal, that my cheerfulness has been lagging a bit ... depleting somewhat with the declining sunshine.

    Just you wait, though. When I feel this way, I also know a renewed optimism is just a good night's sleep away. Or a trim ankle away, in this case!


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