
Monday, October 5, 2009

Even Crazier Than I Thought!

This is Crazy Splurge Club Peggy. My splurge club friends are notoriously crazy but Peggy even surprised some of us who know!! Can you believe she walked the whole 5 km in these stiletto-heeled boots??!! SHE DID!!! There were many witnesses ... all marveling!! I assumed she would change into runners when she got there but ... WRONG! Not our Peggy!!

Peggy, I'm sending you a pedicure, you crazy woman! She also raised a lot of money ... over $700. Correct me if it was more. You're a gem, Peggy! As are you all!

Thanks again to everyone who participated. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to see you all in the morning even if only briefly. I would have liked more chatting, of course. You all really buoy my spirits!

If I find out how much our teams raised, I'll post it here.

As for me, it was a good decision for me not to walk. I was so tired all day after the morning's adrenalin wore off. I slept from 10:30 to 12:30 and then for another 2 hours in the afternoon. And then I was sleepy the whole rest of the evening. I'm so down with that, though. If I could sleep this whole part away, I would!

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