
Monday, November 23, 2009

Seeing Green!

What a great day yesterday was! Not only did I feel amazingly good, we watched the Rider game with friends and ... bonus ... the Riders won!! SUPER!! Here we are, Gail and Ron, Rex and Erin, and Kevin and myself ... and Cocoa, Gainer, and all the bobbleheads!

As you can see, things got a little crazy, as things should in Riderville! If the Riders won, Ron promised to show us his Rider underwear and I know he won't mind if all of you see it, too! Erin and Ron both had Rider socks and I got such a laugh from Gail's Rider earrings when I saw that their base is a beer can tab! Cocoa had on her Rider shirt, too. The photo of Cocoa and me below is during the first quarter. Cocoa was, evidently, a little depressed at the time. By the end of the game, she was so excited, she had ripped her shirt right off, as you can see in the group photo.

Whether it was to be expected or whether it was the two beers I drank, I was pretty much toast by 8:30. Kevin was, too, so we headed home early and were goners. I didn't sleep especially well last night, though. My stomach was a little upset in the night and then, this morning when I parked at RUH, I suddenly felt my stomach turn and I was afraid for a moment that I might lose it, but I held on and ate a banana that I had packed with me and everything settled very nicely. I got my radiation treatment out of the way (rocking out to Dido on the radio) and then stopped by the office. It was WONDERFUL to see everyone there and to get used to walking into the building again. I hadn't been there even to visit for a long time.

I'm feeling very tired today so after I apply some aloe vera gel, I think I'll rest my eyes for a spell.

Radiation Report: 6 treatments done. 24 to go! No particular discomforts today.
Ankle Report: Not as thin as previous days but not bad either.

See, Rhonda? Here I am in my Rider hoodie. Where's that promised photo of you in your Rider wear? I think the Riders won just for me, so I would be distracted all week with the excitement and anticipation for next weekend's Grey Cup game.



  1. Super Game! We had on our green Jerseys too, as did Elle, Gus, and Eddie. Gus got into it too cause with each Rider touchdown (and later each exceptional play) he would get a chip if he high-fived for us!
    No surprise you would have been tired after; it was an exciting game.
    Hope next/this week goes as well - for the Riders - and you too.

  2. Hi Heather. Looks like a fun day. One that was long overdue. Looking forward to next weekend. Hope your treatments go well this week. Great to see u at lunch last Friday. You look amazing !!!!!! Elaine

  3. Hi Laurel! It's nice to have the Grey Cup game to focus on instead of radiation treatments. I hope to get down to your place this week to see you and your pups. The walk will be good for me and it's best to get out while we still have this incredible weather.

    Hi Elaine! It was great to see you, too! Thanks for the cheerful encouragement. Pretty soon I'll be done this and will be able to REALLY let my hair down! Now that's a laugh!



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