
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Rebirthday To Me!

It's a bright sunshiny day and that last day of yucky 2009. It's my rebirthday because I'm done all of my breast cancer treatments and can now get back to the joy of living! There are a few little things to still be dealt with in the breast cancer department but the worst is over and I have no more ordeals to face. At least that's the plan and I'm just going to assume it's so.

Yesterday my family was moving a little slow. It's a good thing most of them slept well into the afternoon. Those dental appointments were a disappointing interruption. Hannah, Kevin and I ran a few errands. Kayla and Gillian joined us for dinner and then we took Hannah to the airport ... only to find out that her flight was delayed by 1.5 hours. So we brought her home for a while and when she got back, it was only delayed by an additional hour. It's always a little sad for me to wake up and walk past their empty bedrooms after seeing them in there every morning for a while.

I got up earlier this morning and then made myself go back to bed because I knew I hadn't slept long enough. I want to be able to stay up for midnight. I'm going to Bonnie's tonight to celebrate New Years while Kevin, Luke and Don are going to the Canada vs. United States game.

And all day I'm going to celebrate my rebirthday day. Happy Birthday to you, too, Laurel!
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  1. Happy rebirthday day .. and Happy New Years too!

    You, my friend, deserve the best and brightest 2010 .. here's hoping its all up hill now!

    Love to all ..

    I think my brother and his girl friend at the game tonight .. they drove from Calgary, it should be a good one.

  2. Thanks, Karen! Happy New Year to you and yours, too! Woohooooo!! **clink**


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