
Friday, December 11, 2009

He's baaaaaaaack!

It was an exciting evening at the airport waiting for the arrival of THE BOYS! Matty and Arden arrived to greet their fans and then we waited ... and waited ... and waited ... and finally Luke escaped the Customs Officer! He is very happy to be home. We soon had a bunch of boys ... young men, I suppose ... surrounding our kitchen table and all was right with the world once again. I slept peacefully. Happily. I had to get up a couple of times in the night and loved peeking into his room to see him right there in his bed. Ahhhhh ... parenthood!

Last night, a few hours before we were to go get Luke, my joints ached more and more. At Sylvia's suggestion I tried Tylenol for Arthritis. An hour later I didn't sense any effect and I was so stiff and achy that I tried a hot bath, which really made a difference ... perhaps in combination with the Tylenol. My fingers in particular were much better after the bath. This morning I'm not as bad as yesterday. Let's hope that continues.
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