
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday? Fun Day?

Quilt Square Status: 8 squares done. 12 to go!
I haven't removed any of my basting stitches from my finished squares yet and I just noticed them in this photo in particular. Be advised that those ARE basting stitches and NOT my applique stitches. I do have some pride, you know.

It will be a quiet Sunday for me. I have lots to do. The house hasn't cleaned itself yet so it looks like I'll have to do something about it. I'll see what I can get done today. I'm excited to have it all ship-shape for when Luke gets home on Thursday.

We also have some movies to watch and so far, looking outside, it looks like a stay-home-and-watch-movies kind of day.

My tender, radiated skin is getting more and more pink over the weekend. I was surprised by how pink it was last night. A couple of people have recently told me that my most troublesome time will probably be the week after radiation is finished because the radiation keeps burning even after it's done. But then, I'm told, the skin heals quite quickly. Hallelujah for that.

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