
Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello From Kyle!

I had a a great road trip. The highways were good and the music was super! Since Christmas I've been on a real Nick Cave jag so mostly Nick and Me were filling the car with sound on the way to Kyle.

Mom and I went for birthday dinner to a local establishment and then came back to Mom's place where we started and finished a 1000 piece Betty Boop puzzle. Jigsaw puzzles are a Kerr family Christmas tradition.

I'm helping Mom sort out a few computer bugs. She's on the phone and I'm looking at her photo file and I had to share this one. This is Uncle Keith and Grandpa Ernie Porter at the back and Uncle Allan, Mom and Grandma Jean Porter in the front. This is before Uncle Norman came along. Don't they look positively gangsta? Dillingeresque?

More computer tutorials today. Have a great day, everyone!


  1. Love the photo. Have fun at the farm.

  2. Thanks, Laurel! I love old family photos! Mom is getting old film copied to dvd. I expect it will be pretty interesting, too.


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