
Monday, January 25, 2010

Stir It Up!

Yesterday afternoon, Kevin wanted to make a "test trip" to see how hard it would be to get the car out. He's not good at being house bound. So he maneuvered and we got ourselves to London Drugs to pick up a couple of supplies. I've only occasionally ever wandered down their grocery aisles there but when I have, I've noticed that they often carry items I never see at the usual grocery stores. Kevin and I actually looked this time and marvelled at all the brands we're not used to seeing.

Then we saw this! If you know Kevin, you know he's always looking for some way to trace his bloodlines to Bob Marley (which just ain't happenin'). He just feels Jamaican in his bones! So when we saw this coffee, we HAD to get some ... the Jammin Java is what he chose. He hasn't tried it yet but I'll let you know on Saturday what he thinks of it. It's all organic and ethical and farmed using sustainable practices and partial proceeds go toward soccer programs in rural coffee growing regions of Jamaica. And the company is owned by one of Bob Marley's sons. Maybe if Kevin drinks enough of this, he'll find his missing connection.

Speaking of Kevin's love of Reggae, he chose the song "Turn The Lights Down Low" by Bob Marley as our wedding song ... the song we first danced to at our wedding. One time shortly after that when RJ was at our house and music was playing, he said, "Hey! That's your wedding song"! And Kevin said, "yup"! But it wasn't. It was Bob Marley alright, but the song was "Buffalo Soldiers". Now I always think of Buffalo Soldiers as our wedding song.

By now, I've also heard enough Reggae to last me two lifetimes so I don't even have ANY on my iPod. Not even Buffalo Soldiers. Though, come to think of it, I should put on Turn The Lights Down Low and a couple of other songs that I actually still like ... small doses ... small doses ...


  1. Ha that is so funny, love the coffee, and the story!!! Of course I knew Kevin felt this connection to Jamaica, but I did not know that your wedding song was "Turn the lights down low". Very cool!!! Hope you guys are doing well, just wanted to let you know our Amarylis is starting to bloom. Thanks again for the lovely gift. I don't think I can post a photo, but I will email them.
    Take care, talk to you soon!!!

  2. Hi Chantelle! I just emailed you. I hear you're going somewhere warm again soon. It seems like everyone is going somewhere warm ... except us. I won't complain, though, because we have Kentucky and Vancouver to look forward to this spring!

    I guess the Amaryllis will be a Valentine one instead of a Christmas one! Oops!


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