
Monday, January 11, 2010

Today's Accomplishment

Pretty toes! I'm the only person to go to the spa for a pedicure since Christmas who isn't also going on a hot vacation. That's okay, though. It was so nice out today, I wasn't complaining about going home from my pedicure in flip flops.

It feels sooooooo good to have smooth feet again. Just another to-do item to check of the recovery checklist.

Tomorrow I have bloodwork at 8:45 at the Champion Centre and I meet with the visiting Oncologist after that to talk about Arimidex and, hopefully, to find a new approach. I hope it's not going to be "trial and error", though that's what I expect. Kevin's coming with me. I'll be glad for the extra ears and memory.

Tomorrow afternoon, Lynne is going to stop by and show me some exercises that might be helpful for me. More goodness on the way to wellness.

Wednesday and Friday mornings I have yoga again and on Thursday at noon, I'm attending a nutrition seminar with Erin. Again ... more goodness. Next week I hope to try some of the drop-in "gentle" classes listed in the Leisure Guide. I also plan to start walking on a track on a regular basis. I'll need to first figure out when my energy is best for that. I know I have to be careful not to overdo things. I also need to ask someone about doing water exercises. I'm not sure that my radiated skin is supposed to be in chlorinated water yet. I need to find out when the go ahead is for swimming. It looks there are some good aquatic exercise classes offered and I'll bet they would be good for me. I know that hot-tubbing is out of the question for now, if not forever. That's too bad because relaxing in a hot tub would be very nice. Still, I won't be losing sleep over trivial things like hot tubs, hot vacations and discombobulated eyebrows!
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