
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Weekly Hair Shot

If I remember, I'm going to try to take a photo of my hair once a week ... let's say on Saturdays. See how I'm all salt and pepper ... more salt than I remember there being before. And see how it wants to curl? It would look longer if it would just stand up. I guess this gives a look of more depth and that's okay, too. See how it flips up over my ears? Oh yeah!! Completely unruly! I'm not ready to go wigless yet and I'm not ready for full view yet either. All in good time.

After lazing about all day yesterday I didn't sleep so well in the night. Natch! I might have to fight naps since I really HATE napping in the first place and stick with just getting longer sleeps at night. That's a schedule I prefer.

I saw Erin this morning, she having just come home from Christmas with her family and some friends on the beach. I then had a wonderful lunch out with Carol and Leslie at McNally Robinson's restaurant ... whatever it's called. The restaurant was very chilly. I only had my winter coat off for all of two minutes. I don't recommend dining there on a cold day.

Now it's time to get our boy ready to leave tomorrow. Lots of laundry.
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