
Monday, February 8, 2010

Rap For The Christmas Ornament Boxes

Today I had birthday tea/coffee and scones with Norma at Tastebuds! It was so nice! She picked me up and insisted on paying for everything and yet, it was HER BIRTHDAY!! What's that about??!! Happy Birthday, Norma, and thanks so much!

Norma claims to be much amused by my ongoing Christmas boxes saga and so, in honour of that, she wrote this hilarious rap (Get it? RAP ... instead of WRAP? Get it?? **yuck yuck**) for me. It's so funny. Click on the photos to see larger, more readable images. Try to read it in "rap mode". I'm not so good at that so I need to listen to some rap so I can pick up on the appropriate rhythm. If you can do it, please rap it to me! Norma's so clever at these (and many other) kinds of things. If you know her, you know what I mean. You've probably seen her in action over the years.

Anyway, we had a great chat and didn't even cover half of the many things we could have talked about. She's such an inspiration with all the things she does and gets involved with. I hope I get to the point where I so actively pursue my interests. I have lots of interests but sometimes find it hard to move past the research and planning stage to the actual "DOING STAGE". That is my personal challenge.

Happy Birthday greetings also go out to Tana for yesterday and Marina today, too.

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