
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kevin Found Lacrosse Tweets - Bellarmine WINS!!

Kevin found David Berry tweeting Luke's game. It was 4 all in the 2nd quarter but then, just before the half, Jacksonville scored another 5, so it's 9-4 for Jacksonville at the half. I hope Jack is giving those boys a big talking to at the half and I hope they come back feeling VERY inspired!

Good for Kevin for finding the tweets himself. I get very tired of being the go-to computer person.

2:30 update (Dave is obviously cheering for Jacksonville) ... Bellarmine controlled the start of the 3rd qtr but JU still leads 11-9. 15 mins away from history.

2:55 -- anxiously awaiting game result. Dave hasn't tweeted for almost half an hour. I'm hoping that means Bellarmine won!

3:00 update! I deduced correctly! Bellarmine wins!!!! 14-13! That was close!! -- Dave tweets, JU loses an absolute heartbreaker to Bellarmine 14-13. Defensive breakdowns killed in the 2nd half. They lost that one...

3:25 update -- Luke phoned. He said it was a pretty intense game. He sounded very happy about the win. He got one goal and one assist. He says it's pretty cool to be on a campus with palm trees everywhere. Even though it's been uncommonly cold in Florida, Luke said is was a nice day there ... warm and sunny. They'll have dinner and go to a movie tonight and then fly back to Louisville tomorrow.

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