
Saturday, February 6, 2010

TA DA!! Christmas Decorations Put Away!

I'll bet you thought it would never happen! Me, too!! And yet, the Christmas boxes are all neatly packed away until another 10 months have passed. Kevin helped. We cleared a lot of junk out of the "junk room" and made some space. I'm very happy.

This doesn't mean we're done though, unfortunately. There is still a lot of progress to be made in the old junk/storage room but now that there's some space to maneuver and some initial progress made, I'm primed for the project. Maybe. I say that now, of course.

I must also thank Lynne and Jim for their help! They don't even know they helped! They've invited us over for dinner tonight so that freed up some time for Kevin and I to focus on that room and not have to fuss over dinner. Thanks, Jim and Lynne!

Now for a breather! That was tiring!

By the way, no pressure Norma and Lou! Can you believe they still don't have their Christmas decorations put away?! Really!!

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