
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kevin's Night Out In Louisville

While in Louisville, Kevin made arrangements to get together with a big-time fish nerd named Rusty. Rusty is no small fish. Rusty even discovered a previously undocumented fish in some South American River and it is now named after him. Rusty has a big, beautiful old home on a hill in Louisville ... a beautiful piece of property with several other buildings on it and lots of space.
This is NOT Rusty's house. It is across the yard and is a house just for fish. It's hard to take good fish tank photos but there are a couple below. I think these are some of the fish Kevin brought back for some fish-nerd friends here. You realize, I hope, that I say "fish nerds" with sincere affection.

Kevin had a good time with Rusty. Rusty is a HUGE basketball fan as are most people in Louisville. They are basketball fans like we're Rider fans and on the Thursday night when Kevin went to see Rusty, there was a very important game so the guys got together at a crazy, wild sports bar for the game, which the University of Kentucky won. Unfortunately, they lost the game on the following Saturday which, had they won, would have put them in the "final four". Last year at the same time, the University of Louisville was in the same boat and the city was abuzz with basketball fever then, too. Imagine how we've felt when the Riders haven't made it to the grey cup even when they've been favoured (are they ever favoured??) and you get the general picture.

And where was I during the fish-nerd visit and the basketball game, you might wonder? Well, that's the night my head cold was the worst so I was tucked in my bed by 7:30 at the gorgeous Inn at Woodhaven and was watching tv from the comfort of my cushy bed ... nursing a cup of tea.

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