
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Art! Art! Beautiful Art!

This top work was created by shooting bullets into a flat black painted pline wood. Fascinating!
Alain Declercq (French), R.I.P./Sarkozi, 2007. 4500 bullets in a pline wood.

The 2nd work is self portraits of the author with photographic pieces of his relatives collaged onto his own photo. It just looked weird until I better understood what the artist was doing and then it, too, was fascinating!
Germán Gómez (Spanish), Drawn VI (from Drawn series), 2007. Mixed media drawing.

The 3rd work is NOT a photograph. It's entirely rendered in pencil! COOL!
Bill Vuksanovich (Serbian), Ajay, 1990. Pencil on paper.

This 4th is giant photographic work done by Nathalia Edenmont (Ukrainian), Black Night, 2008. C-prints mounted to glass in wooden frames.

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