
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Baby Step Backwards

I've experienced enough backward steps to not be surprised by them, but they're still disappointing! 

I didn't sleep well again last night and maybe that's why I feel rather crappy today. Maybe I can manage one bad night's sleep but not two.  I also neglected to take my middle-of-the-night does of Wobenzym N. Maybe both of those things are why I hurt more today.  I'm glad I forgot to take my Tamoxifen of I'd probably be blaming how I feel today on it.  I'll take it tonight. 

My shoulders hurt a lot today and it feels like I have a pinched nerve in my neck. My whole left arm feels weak. I notice it most when I'm typing at a computer.  My arms feel like they just want to drop and hang by my side.  I did get to the office this afternoon but only after some time spent waffling between going or staying home.  I got some work done this afternoon, so it's good I went.  I wouldn't have felt any better staying home, I don't think.

So that's the kind of day it's been.  May it PLEASE be better tomorrow.  This weather is toooooo good to be wasted on feeling like crap!

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