
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kentucky Bourbon - Old Travel Tales

Here's Kevin sipping bourbon at the Maker's Mark distillery in Kentucky.
I was amazed that they still use these old, worn wooden vats.
And yes, I had a sip of bourbon, too. It was an interesting tour. Getting there via our GPS was even more interesting, though. Our GPS took us the shortest route and, hence, a little off the beaten path. Well, actually the path was pretty "beaten" by other people using their GPS's.
 Kevin wanted to turn around a couple of times but by then we were only 10 minutes or less from our destination, so why not find out where we end up? And, as it turned out, we were amazed to find ourselves at the Maker's Mark distillery, which is what we were aiming for!

The route we took was through real Kentucky back country. What was most amazing was that the road, as narrow and curvy as it was, was nicely paved! Had that been Saskatchewan countryside, we wouldn't have even been on gravel!  It was very strange and we had our doubts, but it worked out in the end. It felt like an adventure and there was bourbon at the end of it, so all was good.

That was a little travel story I hadn't had a chance to tell yet.

So ... back to real life ...

Today was a good day. When you're not getting poked with sticks and squished, it just HAS to be a better day.

I got in almost a full day at work and I felt good while there ... and felt productive. It was good.  I met up with Bonnie and Cheryl for dinner and drinks at Earl's after work, which was a real treat! It's something we always plan to do more often but there had been a bit of a gap.  It was lovely. I even had a beer, which perhaps caused the one hot flash I had while at the restaurant. It wasn't a real bad flash, though, so that was okay.  It's the first boozie beverage I've had since the red wine incident a couple of weeks ago.

Then I talked to Meghan tonight! She says she loves the Liberty of London clothes we got for her in Kentucky.  It was so fun to shop for her and we're glad she likes them and very glad they fit her perfectly.

Now ... to bed.  I want to be able to get up early enough to see Alexa dance tomorrow at 9:20 and then I have my first massage at 11:30.  It should be an interesting Friday.


  1. Sounds as though you came in the back way. You can get to MM Distillery on a much safer but just as scenic route through Lebanon, Ky., the gateway to Maker's Mark and home of Kentucky Cooperage, a bourbon barrel-making factory. The cooperage also gives free tours. If your friends and family would like a great Bourbon Country experience, tell them to check out the Heart of Kentucky Bourbon & Barrels Getaway at

  2. Hi Heather,
    Okay - let me try again. It appears the long-winded comment I wrote a couple of days ago did not post (probably thanks to something I did - or didn't do right).
    We've been away so just catching up. Sounds like you've had some more interesting experiences. Here's hoping the epsom salts keep working - well - and hoping everything just simply clears up soon.
    We all had fun in Vegas - sounds like just in time to miss a snow storm. Spent the week visiting with all the Kelly family, shopping, eating-out, wandering the busy chaotic streets, watching a couple of shows; however not much time in the casinos - other than to walk through - as you are forced in most every location - in order to pass through.
    Your hair is looking wonderful - although I'm sure it's still far too slow for you (as it would be for me too).
    Looks like spring fever has hit your household with plant shopping. I'm getting anxious too, but there won't be much planting in our backyard this year with renovations (YEAH). Speaking of our backyard - OMG - puppies have had way too much fun.
    Sounds like you had a nice visit in Louisville. Glad to hear Luke's still doing very well.
    Love those colourful little yoyo's. I wonder if denium would work! I have saved piles of old jeans with intentions of making quilts - (but still on my list of things to do).
    Your have certainly been posting alot of interesting receipes. We enjoyed your lemon potatoe recipe. If I were a better cook I'd have tried more.
    And if I were a better reader, I'd be enjoying all your book suggestions too.
    Also enjoyed your farm bird stories. Can't say that bird-watching was something we ever learned to appreciate on the farm. Although we certainly experienced our share of pesky magpies and noisey crows. I sure am enjoying the spring morning seranade now though.
    Call if you're up for more walks. I've been enjoying the noon-hour classes at the PAC (thanks to Erin).
    Looking forward to some bachyard fires very soon. . . we'll call.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Kentucky visitor! And thanks for the tip. We learned after getting to Maker's Mark that there is a more commonly used route in and out. Still, I'm really glad we had the Kentucky outback adventure. I love that kind of thing ... as long as our car doesn't break down, I mean.

    We'll be visiting Louisville again around the same time next year so we'll keep your suggestion in mind. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us about it!


  4. Hi Laurel! Long time no see! Sounds like you had a great time in Vegas. Was that the treat to yourselves before starting the renovation experience?! I've been thinking about you, knowing that all the mess will be starting soon. Keep your eye on the prize!

    I haven't been walking since I started back to work but now that it's getting nice out, I want to start again ... at least on weekends and maybe even an occasional evening as daylight and my energy allow. Isn't it nice to have daylight into the evening now?!

    Erin told me she talked you into a noon workout! She was afraid you might never speak to her again! ... LOL ... Even Erin could hardly walk after that first one you went to with her, and she's now an official "hard body"! YOUCH!

    Denim might be a little heavy for yoyo's, Laurel ... unless you make really big ones, that is. I don't know if you could cut big enough ones out of the legs of any of YOUR family's cast-off jeans. We could pass on some of Kevin's and my jeans ... you would have better luck with those.

    I so do want to see your dog family again soon. I'll bet they're loving your yard. Too much perhaps? If they've made a mess of it, it would be good for us to see. We almost went to look at a puppy but it was too close to when we were leaving for Kentucky so we passed. We should probably stick with enjoying other people's dogs.

    I'm very much looking forward to sitting around the fire pit. Call us when you're ready. At any rate, as the weather improves, there are no excuses for not getting together one way or another, right! I'm so bustin' out of this bubble now! I'm tryin' anyway.

    Talk to you soon!


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