
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Amassing YoYo's

This past week while I was going through this awful dental misadventure, I was unable to read and I was unable to sew. The pain was just too awful. But the past couple of nights, I've been able to do both. YEAH! Back to growing my yoyo collection. I need a lot more than this to make a quilt of a decent size.

My mouth is still quite tender today. I don't notice it much unless I smile. Smiling is not good yet. I'm smiling inside, though, even if I look grumpy on the outside. That's why it's best that I not socialize too much yet because I'm just not down with looking grumpy.

I took a single morphine pill with a couple of tylenol at 8:30 this morning but haven't taken any of either since. I'm not one for popping pills in reality, though one might not guess that by how happily I've been gobbling them down. Without pain killers the pain is little more than discomfort at this point ... provided I don't smile. I'm carefully rinsing with warm salt water and, of course, keeping up with the antibiotics and the swish-and-swallow concoction.

My lower limbs continue to feel better. I'm cautiously optimistic. I stiffened up a little bit last night after sitting for a while but not nearly as much as usual. I've been doing good today, too. I reached a kitchen shelf I haven't been able to reach for months! That's happy progress.

Hannah and Luke both phoned today to wish me Happy Mother's Day! *sigh* I get all warm and mushy inside just thinking about them.

Luke is on his way home now from Calgary. They won their game today, too, though he's quite mad at himself. He says he can't hit the net for love nor money! He's used to playing field lacrosse where the nets are big and the goalies are small. In box lacrosse, it's the opposite. The nets are small and the goalies are decked out like michelin men! (I've added some photos here - which would you rather try to score in?). I believe it's one of the reasons why Canadian lacrosse players are so desirable in college lacrosse in the States. If they can hit the little available space in box lacrosse (which isn't as popular as field lacrosse in the States), they can be real ringers with a field lacrosse net. That's the theory anyway.

Awwww ... I'm looking forward to getting my life back this week. Last week was a total write off.

Happy Birthday, Cindy!

Happy Birthday, Mikael!

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