
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wanna Take A Class With Me?

I just signed up for the last succulents class at Solar Gardens. It's on Saturday, June 26. I haven't heard back with a confirmation yet so I'm just hoping it's not already full. (I did get confirmation. I'm in!)

Here's the link to their classes and registration page if anyone is interested in taking the class, too.

I've heard such great things about the classes. For $40, you get a pot stuffed full of succulents. Good deal. And such a nice place to visit. They have a fabulous Great Dane. I've recetly fallen in love with Great Danes.
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  1. Heather - I took this class last year and it's awesome ! If you've never been out to Solar Gardens it's a very big treat! A little piece of heaven (for gardeners) out in the country. I never knew it existed! Worth the drive !

    Kerry Giesbrecht

  2. Hiya Kerry! Kev and I drove out there last Sunday to check it out. Super nice place to visit. Loved their dogs, too. I'm excited to go back to the class, which I've heard so many positive things about. YEAH!!


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