
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Erin and Jeff Get Married

It's been a long time since there's been a wedding on my side of the family. A very long time! Finally, Erin and Jeff took the plunge and we were there in Regina (at the Wascana Country Club) to witness the happy event. You can see them here ... newly wedded ... in the Rose Garden with the Regina city scape in the background. We had wonderful wedding day weather, too.

A friend of the couple made their cake which is covered in hundreds (thousands?) of little white flowers individually crafted out of icing. Not only was it beautiful, it was delicious. I mean it! Sometimes ... when they're real ... all the attention goes into the decorating but this cake really was scrumptious ... a white layer cake with hand-squeezed lemon butter cream layers.

After an abundance of good food, visiting, laughs and dancing ... and a wee bit of sleep ... we gathered at Lyle's and Deb's farm the next morning for a heavenly brunch in their picturesque yard!

What a lovely wedding and how nice to get together with family we see far too little of.

Happy forever after, Erin and Jeff!

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