
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Walk With Me!

It's time for the annual CIBC Run For The Cure! 
This year it's on October 3, 2010! 

I want to thank friends, family, and community for walking, running and/or donating last year.  I was so amazed and moved by your support and care. I wasn't able to walk last year because I was just nearing the end of chemo and was feeling pretty rough. This year,  though, me and my little curly head and stiff joints are hitting the course one way or another.  I'm really excited about it!  I hope you can walk with me and my team, "Heather's Support Hose", or that you might consider donating in the hope of some day curing this frightening disease for me and for the many other people whose lives have been impacted one way or another by breast cancer.

To join the team, please go here 
and then 
click on the bar at the right that says, 
"Heather's Support Hose".

Thanks so much, everyone!  And thanks, Gail, for registering the team and getting us started!

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