
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wii are ME!

On Saturday, Rex and Erin offered to lend me their Wii system. Rex hooked it all up and got me started. The Wii fit is pretty cool. I got weighed in Saturday night and it measured my BMI ... which is AWFUL, as I completely expected. That's me on the Wii in the bottom right. Notice that my character is even a little tubby, like me! ACK!!!

This morning when I got up, I jumped on the Wii and it weighed me and charted everything. I'd lost a couple of pounds just from the difference between morning and night so it was nice to get congratulated and to see the chart showing a downward trend already. Of course, the Wii did remind me that it's best to weigh in at the same time every day. Whatever!

So after that I did a little yoga, a little hula-hooping, some ski jumping, some giant slalom. I super suck at bouncing soccer balls off my head. There's a lot of things to try with different goals in mind. The hula-hooping is in the aerobic group and I must admit, I felt a little pooped afterward. And the yoga stretching I could feel, too. In a good way.

Thanks, Rex and Erin.
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