
Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanksgiving. Much to Give Thanks For.

Here is the Acton family gathering after the dishes have been cleared away. No photos when our mouths are full for a change. I sure miss having Hannah and Luke here with us.

Isn't this a cute floral arrangement?! In a little pumpkin?! So pretty! Created by the incomparable Norma McKercher and left as a little surprise on Don and Syl's doorstep.

Alexa got new point shoes!

And she knows how to use 'em!

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1 comment:

  1. Alexa (Future Cake Boss)October 28, 2010 at 4:58 PM

    Hey Auntie Heather, I was just looking on your blog, and saw the family picture of us at Thanksgiving, and me on pointe. I got your messages about the Halloween craft and baking ideas. I got to some of them. Thanks for sending me them. Love Alexa


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