
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Joint Pain Linked To Breast Cancer Drug Not Inflammatory Arthritis Or Autoimmune Disease

Reading this new study made me feel a little better. It suggests that the joint pain and problems I've had as a result of using Arimidex is not likely to be arthritis. It also recommends that someone experiencing joint pain from using Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs such as Arimidex) see a rheumatologist to see if there might be previously unknown issues. I guess I'll keep that appointment with a rheumatologist in June.

The bit about encouraging women to stay on the drug despite the bone and joint problems ... that would be too hard to take, at least when the side effects were as bad as the ones I experienced.

Joint Pain Linked To Breast Cancer Drug Not Inflammatory Arthritis Or Autoimmune Disease:
"Although our study helps to rule out inflammatory arthritis or autoimmune disease, we do not know why women using AIs have these musculoskeletal symptoms. Still, knowing that the drugs are not promoting inflammatory arthritis may be beneficial to a number of women ...

'It would be prudent to refer those experiencing joint pain to a rheumatologist to rule out a previously undiagnosed autoimmune disease, and so that we can help address the symptoms ... Since the syndrome doesn't appear to be related to inflammatory arthritis, women should be encouraged to stay on their medication so they can gain the full benefit from it."

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