
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wow! Thanks so much, team! I've been a little awed by the emails and messages congratulating me on my "cancer-free" designation! I'm always surprised to know friends and family are still reading the drivel I write here. I have such a great team!!!

Today I'm exhausted. Especially tonight. Crying and feeling all emotional is very tiring. Unfortunately, I can't go to bed yet. Our stairs were sanded this morning and the first coat of Varathane went on this afternoon. We were told not to walk on it until after 11:00. My jammies are up there ... and my cozy bed! I could nap on the couch but that's not my style.

Thanks, everyone, for sharing my joy. High-5's all round! Chest bumps ... well, maybe not ...! Woot! Woot! Yeehawww ... I feel like I should be spraying champagne at all of you!!
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