
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More Winter Campus Photos

Somewhere behind all these trees is the Main University Library, where I held my first library job. I'm very fond of the library ... well, ALL libraries, if I must say.

And here's a view of the library from the corner of the Arts building.

The library is across from the Thorvaldson Building.

And the long building, on my way back to my building, is behind Thorvaldson and is the Agriculture and Ag-Food Canada Research Building. This is the parking lot I'm hoping to eventually get a spot in. It would be so much more easier for me to manage.


  1. I love libraries! I worked in the smalll town library where I grew up in Ontario when I was 14! I think they saw me so much they thought they should offer me a job...

  2. I've always thought it would be great to live in a library. I keep trying but I need more shelves. And a bigger library budget.


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