
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Great Entertainment in Warman

On Friday night I went with Pat and some of her friends from work to the play Carol directed in Warman. We had dinner at the Knotty Monk (a restaurant/pub in Warman) and then went to the play - Opening Night by Norm Foster.

What a great night of entertainment! We thoroughly enjoyed it! It was very funny and, hands down, the best community theatre I've ever seen! It was very professional and would give Persephone a run for its money. Comedy, I think, requires incredible timing and these actors were SPOT ON!! The play was so well cast and so well acted. We were very impressed! Carol directed and, knowing her as well as we do, we could see her touches in the performances. Carol's daughter, Alyssa, was the stage manager. What a resounding success for everyone involved! They must be very proud.

I hope you were lucky enough to see it!
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