
Monday, April 4, 2011

As I Tell My Kids ... Opt For The Grope!

For those of you who are traveling, please don't get your body scanned and please don't let your kids get their bodies scanned. We've flown a couple of times since body scanners in airports became an issue and though we've seen them, we've never even been asked to use one, for which I'm grateful. If I were asked to use one, I would decline.
For those still contemplating whether or not the radiation emitted from airport naked body scanners is serious enough to avoid, you may be interested to know that many doctors routinely 'opt out' and choose the full-body pat down instead because they recognize the inherent dangers associated with any level of radiation exposure. A recent CNN piece explains that for many doctors, avoiding all sources of radiation whenever possible is just the smart thing to do.
Read the rest of the article here:  Medical doctors speak out about why they avoid naked body scanners at airports.

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