
Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Happy Event

This is why I've been so quiet lately! We had a wedding in the family. The first wedding among my brothers' and my kids! This is Josh and Noelene! It was a beautiful wedding and we had a GREAT time last night! So much fun! We danced and sang ... it was a regular family extravaganza! We've had the chance to get to know Noelene's parents who are here from South Africa and one of her sisters who came all the way from her Japan with her little boy who entertained us immensely! Kathy's boyfriend, Ricardo, flew in from Costa Rica. Hannah and Matt, who we met for the first time, came from Vancouver. It was just so remarkable to have these people from so far away all here at the same time. I wish Noelene's sister and her family from France had been able to come and I really wish Luke could have been here, too. He was playing a lacrosse game against Hobart during the reception and even though they lost, Luke did get a goal for Josh and Noelene. And, of course, I do hope my Dad was enjoying seeing the first wedding of a grandchild from his vantage point. He would have loved to be have there, too.

And now ... to brush my teeth (UGH) and get moving again! Off to Acton brunch and then the gift opening!
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  1. What a darling couple! I hope they have many years of happiness together. It sounds like this wedding was a true international event!

  2. They really ARE a darling couple, Jayne, and yes, it was a fascinatingly international event! Such interesting places people came from and SO FAR!!


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