
Saturday, April 30, 2011

A New Quilt Project

I have leftover fabric after making Josh and Noelene's quilt, so ...

I've taken out some fabrics and added others to make a new working collection - mostly turquoise with bits of green and pink. You can see the very simple quilt pattern I've chosen in the bottom left corner. Click on the photo to see a larger version.

My dilemma now whether to use the green or pink fabrics in the bottom of the photo between the rectangles in the strips. I thought I'd settled on the green but after looking at the photo ... maybe pink? I can't decide. What I might do if I have enough fabric ... and I think I do ... is make TWO quilts in this same pattern. One with green and one with pink. That solves the problem. I'll probably have to add a few more fabrics to the mix, but I can do that.

I chose a very easy pattern because I need to become better acquainted with my sewing machine. I'm not so sure I can even sew a straight line! It's probably best if I make a quilt where there are not points or corners to be matched. Wish me luck. I'd like to but the fabric tomorrow.
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