
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mom, Gardens, and Fast Cars

Doesn't this poppy look like Ms Pacman? Pretty lips! She popped up in our garden this morning.

Yesterday was a gardening day. At last. I could hardly keep my eyes open by 8:00 when Kevin and I went out to get ice cream and go through the car wash (twice - it was a MESS with bugs from the drive out to Kyle and back on Friday). We pulled a lot of weeds, got some seed beds ready for today and planted a few new perennials. Our previous Anabelle Hydrangea didn't come back last year so we've replaced it with a new even hardier variety.

This morning two poppies had opened. I've been admiring tulips around the city and wish the ones we had planted a few years ago had come back.

Mom. Mom was discharged from the hospital on Friday at about supper time. We're so glad they finally diagnosed her problem and am very happy that it's something that can be managed with some medication. That said, Mom's memory has taken a real hit and we still don't know if we can expect that to improve now that the seizures will be regulated. If not, she will have to make some changes in her life, such as writing EVERYTHING down. We don't know the results of her MRI. She'll get those from her doctor in Eston next week. Hopefully he'll have more answers for her. She is to see the neurologist in the city again in July.

It will take a while to get her Dilantin prescription fine-tuned so she's getting exactly the right amount and I understand it will take some time for her body to adjust to it. Right now she's experiencing quite a bit of dizziness, especially in the morning. It leaves her feeling quite unbalanced for a while. She will have to be careful not to fall.

I drove Mom home to her place in Kyle on Friday night and left her in Gary's care for the night. I turned right around and drove home. I have a lot of unattended business to get done this long weekend. I'm SO glad it's a long weekend. If it hadn't been, I'd have been taking a vacation day. I'm a tad exhausted.

Kevin had such a thrill on Friday night while I was taking Mom home. My brother, Jim, stopped by our house hoping to see Mom. As it turned out, Jim was test driving a new car. If you don't already know, Jim is a technical automotive journalist and he pretty much drives a new car or truck every week and then writes a review of it. Last week he was driving this cute little bright blue thing that looked like it had frog's eyes. When he stopped by our house he was driving a totally tricked out steel blue little Porsche (a 911 Carrera S-Type Turbo) and he gave Kevin one his biggest thrills. They didn't just go for a RIDE in this luxury sports car. They went on a "car-testing" drive! Oh, man! Kevin's eyes were big as saucers when he was telling me about it. It has a turbo launch feature that works much like I imagine batman's bat car does. In movies. But for real! It even has a "launch" button for this feature. Kevin almost peed himself with excitement! I don't know if Jim has any idea what a gift he gave his brother-in-law, who said it was better than Disney World. Mom and I missed out on that one.

Lynn is flourishing at the farm and probably being more active than she should be. Her parents are there helping out, too.

Thanks again to everyone for your care and concern for both Lynn and Mom and for your cards, emails, phone calls, and visits at the hospital. I know they appreciated every one.
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