
Monday, June 6, 2011

Dandelions Everywhere

I thought there were lots of dandelions in Saskatoon. Fredericton has us beat!

I haven't decided how I feel about all the dandelions. I like them when they're yellow and they're cool when they're balls of fluff but after the fluff falls off I find them very unattractive. I guess mowing them down solves that problem.

I'm against using chemicals to control dandelions. I think there are recommended safe practices for combatting them but I haven't bothered to look for any information. They don't bother that much. I'm not inclined to make wine with them and I'm not interested in eating them.

When I was little, I remember running to the house with a little bouquet of dandelions clutched in my hand for Mom. She was alwasy thrilled to bits when I brought her a bouquet and she would put them in a little vase in the middle of the table.

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