
Monday, June 6, 2011

Downtown Fredericton

Lots of old buildings. Lots of brick. Fredericton is such a pretty, little city!

Their city hall is the oldest one in Canada that is still in use.

The old barracks now house the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. There are a lot of artisans in Fredericton.

The brick in the courtyard of the Armoury is in a Union Jack design.

There are lots of little eateries, shops, and galleries in downtown Fredericton. I don't have a photo of it, but their Beaverbrook Gallery is fantastic! It's such a nice gallery and very surprising to have one of that calibre in such a small city! I wanted it for myself. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the gallery and was especially tickled that they had a library architecture installation while I was there. It was a little bit of librarian heaven!

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