
Monday, June 6, 2011

Fredericton City Hall

As I said, Fredericton has the oldest city hall that is still in use. It was built in 1876.

It has a beautiful clock that can be seen from all directions because it has 4, eight foot faces made of copper. It chimes beautifully. It was recently refurbished and the operating parts of the clock were moved so they could be put on display. It was made by some very significant clock makers, as I understand it and very significant clock refurbishers did the recent work on it as well.

In honour of Fredericton's 200th birthday, two local artists (Gertrude Duffie and Ivan Crowell) created a series of tapestries depicting Fredericton's history and they are on display in the Council Chambers. I'ts quite incredible to see! The photos here don't do them justice, that's for sure.

The fountain in front of city hall was installed in 1885.

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