
Monday, June 6, 2011

Honey, I'm Home!

This is where I was last week. The Social Sciences and Humanities Congress in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Many association have their annual conference and meetings at Congress. I was there for the CASC (Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation) and ANSER (Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research) Joint Conference. I don't think I mentioned I was going. Probably because I was considering canceling out of it.

While I was away, Darrel and Lynn decided that Mom should see a Doctor about her reaction to Dilantin. The Doctor she saw in Eston was very good and phoned for her blood test results rather than waiting for them to be sent. Sure enough, there was way too much of the drug in her blood and she was taken off the drug for a couple of days and then resumed a reduced dose. She's still a little wobbly but is a bit better. Her voice sounds better on the phone. Stronger. Not slurry. I think it will take a while to get the dosage right. She has another blood test tomorrow.

It sure is nice to be home. When I initially made plans for the conference, I tacked on an extra day at the end so I could see some of Fredericton. Experience has taught me that conference is so busy that there's not much time for anything else. As it is, since I'm the librarian, I took some time off from sessions to scope out the book fair. I tried to change my flight to come home earlier but no such luck. While it was nice to see Fredericton, I must say my heart was at home and I couldn't get back soon enough.

The three hour time change really threw me for a loop when I got to Fredericton. In fact, I felt sick the day after I got there but it only lasted that day. I was fine after that. Things have gone much better coming home. Last night I was in bed at 10:00 (1:00 am Fredericton time) and slept until 8:00 this morning. I felt good when I got up and had no trouble today at all. Yeah!
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